Thursday, April 8, 2010


So I finally got a job. I will be working at Riverview. I can't decide if I like the hours or not there are pros and cons for it. I am working 10:00pm-6:30am. Gonna have to get used to that. Getting to start at around the $25 I was thinking though and made 8 hours worth of pay for four hours of videos this morning. Well it is going to be interesting that much I know. Hopefully I will make it. I think I will, but there is always that thought you know, of something going wrong. The nights shouldn't be too bad with the patients sleeping. It will just be the falls, night delerium, and the deaths. Anyways gotta start somewhere ya know.

As for the car the search goes on. The guy I was basically going to buy his Jetta from sold it before I could look at it. He said he couldn't show it till a certain time so I was waiting and he said he sold it. Jerk. Now I am back to square one and sorta scrambling for a car. I have been looking in lots and having Paul our car guy look at auctions to no avail. So the search continues and I am still in car limbo.

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